Our Mission:

To believe, inspire, and ensure success for all.

Our Values: 

Camaraderie: Mutual trust and respect among staff and students.

Collaboration:  Work together to be highly effective and efficient. 

Inspiration:  Be mentally stimulated and creative.

Innovation: Encourage new ideas and persevere.

Continuous Improvement:  Always look for ways to improve all aspects of what we do. 

Passionate:  Committed in heart and mind.

Our Vision:

To become a school where students feel safe, inspired, and challenged academically at such a high level that other schools are empowered by what we do. 

8th Grade Graduation 2025

May 15th at 7pm

Graduation will be held in the MCHS gym. Doors will open at 6pm. All graduates should be in the cafeteria by 6:45 to line up. 

Text @8grad2025 to 81010 to sign up for message regarding graduation activities and the after graduation party. 

Graduation pictures will be on March 28th at 8am.  Students will be provided a red graduation gown to wear. They will keep this gown until graduation and will return it after graduation. There is no charge for borrowing the gown. Student should dress up for graduation pictures and graduation. We do not wear hats. 

Next parent meeting to continue discussing fundraising ideas will be February 19th at 4:30pm.  Here are the notes from the last meeting. If you have suggestions or questions, please reach out to one of the LEAD Contacts for this group. 

Illinois School Summative Designation

I wanted to share our Summative Designation that was just released by the state of Illinois. Please see below that we received a "commendable" status again this year. The only level above “commendable” would be "exemplary" which means you are in the top 10% of schools. We were only 4 points away from being “exemplary”. We out performed 80% of Illinois schools. We will continue to work to improve the areas of Math Growth and student Chronic Absenteeism. A student is counted as chronically absent when they miss 18 school days, which is 10% of the school year. Please help us improve this area by getting your child to school on time each day. For more details you can view our school’s information by going to this website, Illinois School Report Card

Are you interested in playing soccer?

Click this link and sign up. 

Tryouts will be announced soon. 

6th Annual District Spelling Bee

Last night the MJHS Beta Club held the 6th Annual District Spelling Bee. Thank you to Mr. Caporale and Mrs. Bailey for organizing this event each year. 

4th Grade Winner:  Ber Pfister from Jefferson Elementary

5th Grade Winner:  Julie Cuculista from Unity Elementary

6th Grade Winner:  Emmy Shelby from Franklin Elementary

Junior High Winner:  Stella Shelton

Grand Champion:  Ber Pfister from Jefferson Elementary

They are listed in the picture by grade from left to right. 

Bus Transportation

We contract our bus service with Robinson Transport. If you have bus questions or concerns regarding the bus or bus routes please reach out to them at 618-309-6923.

Join the MJHS Remind Group

Text: @massacj to 81010.

 Fellowship of Christian Athletes

All students currently attending MJHS are invited to all FCA meetings.  These meetings occur on Wednesdays after school until 4:30pm.  For more information about these meetings, please reach out to Ms. Gallip mgallip@massac.org or Mr. Miller at zmiller@massac.org.  

For more details about FCA, click here


All students are required to stay until 2:55pm on these meeting dates. Students will only be allowed to leave early on these dates if a parent comes to the office and signs them out. 

Each house represents one of our core values. 

What is Homeroom?

We have a HOMEROOM/RTI period at the end of the day from 2:33 - 2:55.  This period allows for additional time for teachers to work with students that have a D or an F in their class.  It is also used for students to make up assignments that they may have missed from being absent.  If students do NOT have a D or an F then they are free to leave at 2:33 each day if they have a ride.  Students may stay until 2:55 when the bus bell rings. Students that do NOT have a homeroom assignment have social time in the gym or cafeteria with their friends. The homeroom list is posted to the link below on Sunday evenings.  The student's school ID is used to post their homeroom assignment.  This list is also emailed to all students and posted in the school each Monday morning. 

For the current homeroom list click here.  

TEXT the Principal!

If you would like to communicate with the principal regarding bullying at MJHS, just text from any phone to lhayes@massac.org.  The principal will NOT know who you are unless you state your name.  You can remain anonymous!   


(618) 524-2645


(618) 524-2765


Laura Hayes


Melanie Morris